I appreciate your curiosity!

You wanted to know more, that’s a good thing. Unfortunately, as you may have suspected, what you’re looking for doesn’t exist. And now I encourage you look at why it appealed to you in any way at all.

The reason it’s free and easy is because it’s probably what a part of you has been trying for years. Outer change doesn’t happen without inner change happening. While we humans see them as two different things, from Life’s perspective, inside and outside are the same.

Life serves you up challenges that your inner world draws to you, precisely so you can learn the lesson.

Life doesn’t care about your success, your happiness, or your comfort. It only cares about you waking up. If you try to change your outsides without looking at your insides, you’re in opposition with Life. It’s like swimming against a current.

Eventually, you will tire and learn to go with the flow. Clear and Open can help you get to that day faster, but you will get there eventually regardless. Reality always wins.

If you’re ready to start learning how to undo all the years of swimming against the current, now is a great time to consider joining the Dojo. You can create profound changes in your life, and I want to help you!

My next live group coaching seminar begins April 11th!

We’re going to dive into CLEAR Thinking and how it can help you be more effective, happier, and more fulfilled at work and in life. Does that sound interesting to you?

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