What Can You Do About Disengagement?

In any business, you have employees that hate their jobs and their bosses. Bosses are overworked and underpaid. Leaders are overwhelmed and had no idea what they were getting into. It’s not working, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Disengagement is the invisible force holding not only your business back, but our entire species from real fulfillment.

What is Clear and Open?

Clear and Open is a body of teachings and a community for professionals committed to excellence, achievement, and evolution. It’s based on a universal set of principles and methods that solve your business problems at the deepest levels.

You’re courageous enough to look at how your work is inevitably an expression of yourself, so your workplace can become a dojo, literally a “place of enlightenment” where the only opponent is your own shadow.

Clear and Open is for introspective high-achievers like you, because you see your work as a vehicle for your own evolution, your greatest self-expression, and a path to your deepest fulfillment in every domain of your life.


About Josef Shapiro

Josef Shapiro is a voice for excellence and extraordinary results in a young coaching industry still finding its way. He is a lifelong student of human potential, holds black belts in Aikido and Jujitsu, and has been a teacher since age fifteen. He lives in Hawaii with his cats Popo and Pele, some Muscovy ducks, and spends not nearly enough time with his guitar.

Josef began his career in 2002 by training at EMyth, a pioneer of business. He later joined the company’s management team and oversaw sales, marketing, coach training, and program development. Clear and Open is an advanced methodology for business and personal growth synthesized from many models, including the Enneagram, Zen, Landmark, and more, but is most influenced by the ground-breaking emotional-spiritual paradigm of Edenity.

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The Story of Clear and Open

Is there a part of your job you can’t imagine not doing? Maybe that’s holding you back? That’s what I found in myself, and it changed everything.

I love working individually with people and still do. But one day I saw I could do something greater. To make clear the tools, systems, and methods I’ve developed over the years and open them to a wider audience–to build a community of people who could learn from and help each other.

I tell my clients that if I do my job right, at some point they won’t need me. Clear and Open is about keeping that promise. It’s about codifying all that I’ve learned into a community-based, affordable, powerful method for change that can scalably serve many more than I could alone.

What’s With the Poetry?

The three-line haiku I write on the site, my blogs, and elsewhere is a Japanese poetry form used to depict the essence of a specific moment in time in a provocative way. In Zen, these poems are sometimes used to challenge the reader’s conditioned tendencies or otherwise invite change. The beauty of Zen is that its teachings are universal to all religions, philosophies, and other world-views, which is why its principles form part of the foundation of Clear and Open. And no, I don’t usually follow the syllable “rules” of traditional haiku.

Rules are training wheels
That serve a purpose
But are not the truth

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I know, you don’t have time for this. That’s why you’re doing it. You’ll reclaim hours every week so you’ve got time for what matters most. Each video is about seven minutes and frees up your time so you can work on the problems you’ve had for far too long. Then I can help you with everything else.

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