Since joining the online group courses of Clear and Open, I have learned to lean into productive discomfort, recognize unconscious defenses and motivations, and develop critical thinking skills. Committing to a daily meditation practice has also made a huge difference in my life. Josef’s style of teaching and coaching invites us to engage, take action and grow…not only on a professional level, but also on personal and spiritual levels as well.

Every once in a while I cross paths with someone who changes the quality of my life for the better. Josef has proven to be one of those people.

Rebecca Rosman, Founder of Rosman Designs

“Josef is the best coach I have ever worked with. He is tough, insightful and will hold you accountable. If you’re ready for the truth, if you’re truly ready for the next level, I promise he will help take you there. In less than 9 months I achieved results with Josef that were way beyond what I could have imagined. His tools and insights are invaluable part of my business and personal life. The bottom line: As a serial entrepreneur with 4 major business operations and a busy personal life, I need results and do not have time to mess around. I have worked with many coaches and consultants over the years, but none of them have come even close to producing the kinds of results Josef and I created.”

Chris Kay, Entrepreneur

Clear and Open revealed to me my gifts. I had only a vague sense of the kind of leader I already was, buried under a pile of chronic overwhelm. I’m now well on my to becoming a bigger version of myself that I always thought was possible, but couldn’t quite see the path to get there. I see now that getting extremely well-organized is a key stepping stone to more advanced forms of management that I’m now able to learn and practice, and the business results are already starting to show up. I can’t wait to see where this leads me. This has truly been a game-changer and was exactly what I was looking for. Fantastic.”

angel suarez spots by reys
Angel Suarez, Owner and CEO of Rey’s Cleaners

Josef pushes my edge in a way that challenges me to be better. If I have blind spots or thinking that doesn’t serve me, I know Josef will help me see it. He gives me something I instinctively know I need to be my best.

Mark Krull, Owner of First St. Cafe, Certified EMyth Coach

When I contacted Josef, I knew that the CEO I was to get my company to our first million dollar year was not the CEO I had to be to get us to 5 and 10 million dollars. I had to be different, I had to learn new skills, I had to manage my people differently and I had to manage our resources differently. His insight was tremendous. The real proof is in the profits and the comments from my employees. ‘You are the best CEO we’ve ever seen you be and the best CEO I’ve ever worked for.’ Comments like those abound since working with Josef.”

Jamie Birch, Founder and CEO of JEB Commerce

“I am a stronger, more consistent leader as a result of my participation in Clear and Open. Josef brings rigorous inquiry into all aspects of being. Working with Josef is beyond coaching. It’s like having a really great personal trainer but for business, with an insistence on excellence at every turn. As with any great workout, it hurts, but I am so much more ready to meet the unexpected challenges.”

Tiffany Lach, Founder of Sola Cafe & Market

“Through the Clear and Open courses, I’ve realized key shadow aspects of my personality that held me back in more ways than I’d ever realized. I have grown immensely since engaging in them and I can honestly say NONE of this would have been brought to light without Josef. His ability to get you to critically think (and if you think you know how to do this already, you don’t) is life-changing. Josef has an extraordinary talent to coach people through the darkness to the light. My life wouldn’t be the same without his guidance and support.”

Hannah Wilkerson, Affiliate Manager at JEB Commerce

Josef is unlike any coach I’ve worked with: he’s wicked smart, calls me on my bullshit, gets right to the heart of the matter, and sees through to the root issues. He’s opened my eyes to unconscious motives and patterns of behaviors that I see now are at the root of my struggles. I’m changing and growing in ways I kept trying to accomplish on my own but struggled with. I’m learning to turn toward discomfort I used to run from, which isn’t fun at times, but the hard work is paying off. I also am developing a kind of X-Ray vision into reading people, helping me in sales, management, and fascinatingly in my personal life.”

Taylor Trusty, Founder of Blackstone Media