I was feeling frustrated, sad, and angry about the state of the world and my powerlessness to change it. In just a few months, my progress has been incalculable. Josef is helping me sift through a lifetime’s worth of my own “stuff,” including things I thought I’d dealt with long ago. I can honestly say that I have never felt more at home with myself than I do right now and this in the middle of a global pandemic!

Working with Clear and Open has been far more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. The value I receive from investing in my monthly membership fee goes far beyond the numerical amount that leaves my bank account. The Dojo Ranking System is a pathway towards the realization of my most authentic Self. As a leader, life is lonely by the very nature of the job. Clear and Open helps me to not only be okay with that loneliness, but to also listen, learn, and appreciate it for what it is, a Divine gift.

Clear and Open helped me find my authentic self and share it with others. That allows me to be myself at work, with my friends, and around those I love. It dramatically improved the connection I have with others AND (without intentional effort) brought the right professional opportunities to me that both notice this way of being and value my “open” leadership style. It’s difficult to place a value on how much this impacted my life personally and professionally. In many ways I think I still don’t even know myself.

Since joining the online group courses of Clear and Open, I have learned to lean into productive discomfort, recognize unconscious defenses and motivations, and develop critical thinking skills. Committing to a daily meditation practice has also made a huge difference in my life. Josef’s style of teaching and coaching invites us to engage, take action and grow…not only on a professional level, but also on personal and spiritual levels as well.
Every once in a while I cross paths with someone who changes the quality of my life for the better. Josef has proven to be one of those people.

Josef has made a significant contribution to my life. During my time with him he’s illuminated areas of myself that I wasn’t aware existed, helping me recognize issues that were holding me back and helping me discover ways to improve them. I’ll hold the lessons that he taught me for the rest of my life. I can’t recommend him enough.