Let’s Grow Together

If you’re serious about growth, you need timely feedback and accountability. The Clear and Open Dojo is a place where you can grow with other professionals in a structured environment that ensures you make progress. Do you want to know just how competent you are so you can improve as quickly as possible? The dojo is the place for you.

As a member, you get access to all online courses and participate in the live webcasts to get direct coaching and feedback from Josef about where you are and how to move forward. You’ll also get peer accountability from other members who’ve walked the path you’re on before. This combination of education, training, and feedback from multiple sources puts you on a fast track to growth.

You’ll receive a white silicone wrist-band that is your “white belt” with an invitation to earn greater ranks through demonstration of increased skill and awareness, and completion of assignments designed specifically to challenge and develop you.

Level Up: Clear And Open Ranks

Ambitious, growth-oriented people like you want to know:

  • Where you are now
  • What your next level is
  • How to level up
  • How well you’re realizing your potential

Without a structure that addresses these needs, you cannot maximize your potential. These ranks gamify professional development and even allow for organizations to outsource and use Clear and Open to train all or part of their staff.

Since 2003, I’ve worked with business leaders one-on-one to train them how to mentor their people. Many succeeded, but others found they lacked the necessary aptitude or passion. Clear and Open provides the unique option of delegating professional training, what is usually the responsibility of the manager.

Engage with this system and be laser-focused on leveraging your strengths, developing your weaknesses, and using every challenge to take more responsibility, make yourself more valuable, and reach higher goals faster – but not for your boss or your people, rather in your healthy self-interest. That’s the secret to real engagement.

Click the symbols below for an overview of each rank, or click here for the full descriptions.

A Game Worth Playing

Beginner ranks focus on self-organization and time-management, saving you and your organization precious resources and allowing for quick-wins. Intermediate ranks focus more on your root problem-solving skills and impeccable professional behavior. Advanced ranks challenge you to bring excellence everywhere in your life using the tools and awareness you’ve gained.

Get your house in order 
Prepare for growth
Express excellence

You may apply for promotions at the end of each quarter and receive direct, practical feedback whether your new rank is awarded or not. There is no such thing as failure when a lesson is learned, and each rank contains many lessons that serve you for the rest of your life.